Maolid Nabiyy

10/11/2019 11:00 am



Hasbuna Allahu Islamic Center


11:00 am - 4 pm

Salam Alaekum,

Hasbuna Allahu cordially invites you all to their Maulud Nabiyy Celebration and lecture which will In’sha Allah comes up on Sunday November 10th 2019. The program will take place at Hasbuna Allahu Masjid at the address 3306 Liberty Height Ave, Baltimore MD 21215. The program will commence at 11am.

We hope that you and your family will join us on this day to celebrate our Prophet Mohammed (SAW). The Topic of the lecture is Who are the real followers of prophet Muhammed Rosululahi (SAW)?

Please feel free to spread the word and invite your families and friends.

Maa Salam

Our Speakers

Guest Lecturer

Ustaz Hammed Lawal Onikunkeu