Journey So far……………………
All praises due to Almighty Allah for the direction He Has taken the affairs of HasbunaAllahu group, from the beginning to where we are now and to the greater place we are going. We shall always remember and give thanks to the Almighty Allah for His directions on our masjid, which is the reason our name was borne out, HasbunaAllahuWa’Nimal Wakil (Allah Alone is sufficient for us and He is the Best Disposer of affairs for us).
HasbunaAllahu Islamic organization comprises of older adults, young brothers and sisters, as well as little children. On Thursday February 19, 2009, a group of five young men came together to start a weekly prayer in East Baltimore. The brothers engaged in the reading of the Holy Quran as well as Zhikr (remembrance of Allah) on this first night.
brothers engaged in the reading of the Holy Quran as well as Zhikr (remembrance of Allah) on this first night. It then became a routine where the brothers meet every Thursday night at 9pm to make Dua and remembrance of Allah until around 12 midnight. They started rotating the weekly prayer sessions to each other’s house and from then, new young brothers and sisters joined. Members enjoy and love the weekly congregational prayers as they continue to see the benefits and Allah’s blessings on their lives. As new members joined the group, the weekly prayer continued to be rotated and held in each member’s house. On March 5, 2010, the weekly prayers was changed from meeting every Thursday to Friday. The weekly prayers has taken us from East Baltimore to West, North and South of Baltimore, to Washington DC Metropolitan areas and to Toronto, Canada. It grew to a larger group within a year. Due to unexpected growth in memberships and concerns for accommodation, when we have to host the prayer at member’s residence, a bigger and permanent space was required. We were provided a monthly reduced rent space by a generous donor that we moved into on Friday December 10, 2010. This space eventually became our 7pm, Friday weekly prayer congregation place where HasbunaAllahu members came to worship and remember Allah.
As years grow by, our members continue to grow and made the current rented space not accommodating enough for the members. The quest for the masjid to expand is now imperative and necessary. As a result, on Saturday October 25th, 2014 we held a fund-raising event for a quest to build our own masjid that will accommodate all members and lets us continue to carry out the work of God. On January 18th, 2017, thanks to our generous donors, with the funds raised and money accumulated thus far, we bought our own property in the city of Baltimore. We sourced for money through donations and bank loans to complete remodeling the building for masjid purposes. On December 29th, 2017, we officially move to our own new building and January 12th, 2018, we held our first inaugural congregation prayers. Due to popular demands by members, starting Sunday, January 21st, 2018, our Friday weekly prayers session was changed to every Sunday, Alhamdulilahi!